In theatre, a ghost light is a single bulb left burning whenever a theatre is dark. It keeps the theatre from being in total darkness after everyone’s gone. Most importantly, it symbolizes that theatre people take care of their own, even when the theatre is dark. WHO CAN BE A PART OF THE GHOST LIGHT SOCIETY? The Ghost Light Society is for those who ensure that Backdoor Theatre is financially supported by their gifts long after their own final bow. Gifts can include:
Wichita Falls Backdoor Players, Inc. / DBA Backdoor Theatre Tax ID: 75-1384180 501 Indiana Ave. Wichita Falls, TX 76301 940.322.5000 If you have additional questions or would like more information, please call 940.322.5000 or email [email protected] |
We always recommend talking with your personal financial advisor(s) for best practices, but here are some general language examples:
General Bequests are legacies left to certain people or causes that come from the general value of the estate, and are made by designating a specific dollar amount, a particular asset or a fixed percentage of your estate to the cause of your choice. "I give, devise, and bequeath to Wichita Falls Backdoor Players, Inc., the sum of $________(or a description of the specific asset), for the benefit of Wichita Falls Backdoor Players, Inc. and its general purposes." Specific Bequests are made when a particular item or property is bequeathed for a designated purpose. "I give, devise, and bequeath to Wichita Falls Backdoor Players, Inc., the sum of $_______ (or a description of a specific asset), for the benefit of Wichita Falls Backdoor Players, Inc. to be used for the following purpose: __________________. If at any time in the judgment of the trustees of Wichita Falls Backdoor Players, Inc. it is impossible or impracticable to carry out exactly the designated purpose, they shall determine an alternative purpose closest to the designated purpose." Residuary Bequests are made when you intend to leave the residue portion of your assets after other terms of the will have been satisfied. "All the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, I give to Wichita Falls Backdoor Players, Inc., for its general purposes." |